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SchoolDocs works more than 90% of primary, intermediate, secondary, and area/composite schools throughout New Zealand to keep their policies and procedures up-to-date. Hover over the pointers to see the names of our subscribing schools, or zoom in for a better view.


Schooldocs is up-to-date, customised, easy to access and available 24/7. What more could you want?

Gretchen Smith, Wharenui School

A quick, easy, user-friendly site that can be shared with parents and staff alike. ERO found it good to be able to access our policies offsite, and the fact that all policies are linked back to the appropriate Act.

Tony Horsfall, Ohope Beach School

The transition from our old and out-of-date system to SchoolDocs has been reasonably seamless. I appreciated the way in which the SchoolDocs team 'turned down' a request for an inclusion into our SchoolDocs as it would not have been best practice. There is security in knowing that SchoolDocs maintain best and safest practice for all parties.

Anna Miller, Principal, Barton Rural School

Wow – I can't believe the service I am getting from SchoolDocs! I have and will be telling principals wherever I go this is the next best thing since sliced iPhones.

Phil Palfrey QSM, Principal, Kaitao Intermediate School

Our school has used SchoolDocs since 2009 and have found the service to be an extremely effective way to administer and access our policies. The team are knowledgeable, prompt and accurate making our job at school so much easier.

Jason Miles, Kaiapoi North School

SchoolDocs has been a godsend. Their regular advisories keep us up-to-date and on track in relation to regular self-review, and an added bonus is being up-to-date with the latest legislation. What used to be an onerous job has become one of the simplest! If you have not tried SchoolDocs then give them a call and check out what they offer - I promise you will not look back. Our lives are already so busy and over subscribed, this is one less headache and as a result you know that your policies and procedures will always be compliant, reviewed and fit for purpose.

Stephanie Thompson, Beach Haven Primary

The SchoolDocs service has always been superb. We have never looked back since getting SchoolDocs. I feel the Board are more responsible for our policies because of it. Thank you!

Therese Coleman, St Patrick's Kaiapoi